Employee Recognition and Rewards – Mainstays in achieving strategic business objectives

Achievement Awards Group unpacks the case study for its award winning recognition program, ‘achieve’ – detailing what goes into the making of a successful employee recognition and rewards program. Achievement Awards Group, specialising in the design and implementation of end-to-end human engagement solutions, developed a highly successful employee recognition program – achieve – for its […]
The connection between technology, employee engagement and ROI

From first introductions via AI-assisted screening, to personalised onboarding with gamification and self-service learning, technology sets the tone for an ROI-driven employee experience. Many communication tools have evolved in good time to help ease the transition from office-based to home-based work. Thankfully, we might add. Can you imagine work-from-home life without video calls, instant messaging […]
Need easy year-end staff rewards with high appeal? Think vouchers.

Show your staff just how much you appreciate the value they add to your business. New tech makes vouchers easy to give and great to get. The perfect year-end reward. If you’ve ever been on the receiving end of a well-intentioned but meaningless reward (another set of branded mugs, maybe) you understand how important it […]
How tech drives big performance in small-scale rewards programs

You don’t need to be a mega-brand with a colossal budget to run an effective rewards program. Leverage the latest technology to deliver a digital rewards program scaled to your needs and personalised for your people. Tech innovation in the rewards space over the past few years has opened a whole new world of opportunities for companies running small-scale or short-term reward programs. A happy […]
Enable, energise & empower your people with real-time recognition & reward

The saying goes that necessity is the mother of invention. This was certainly the case when we started looking around for a cloud-based employee recognition and engagement solution that gets results. When we could not find what we were looking for, we decided to develop it ourselves. To do so, we gathered a think tank […]
Group Incentive Travel makes a comeback

Among the more spectacular disruptions to business created by initial Covid-19 containment measures, was the dead halt of travel. With the stroke of a Presidential pen, planes were grounded, local transportation halted and boarders locked down. Indefinitely The entire industry was left aghast and ramifications for Group Incentive Travel providers will resonate for a long […]
The future of work beyond Covid-19: A review of current trends and tips for success

There is no looking back from the profound changes COVID-19 has wrought on our personal and professional lives over the past year. And the pandemic is not behind us yet. If there are any positive outcomes to this global human tragedy, it has refocused our priorities on the human factors that make businesses successful, tested […]
A strong communication plan is the key to a successful channel incentive program

People get bombarded with communication all day. Message fatigue is a thing and needs to be factored into the communication strategy of any channel incentive program. For your audience to pay attention to your program, you need to give people good reason to participate. Your messages need to be informative, motivating and delivered in a […]
7 Ways to maintain ‘high performance organisational culture’ even during a pandemic

Organisational culture has been a buzz-term for several years now. Not only is it a big differentiator, but it’s also the best way to retain and attract talent. Having a culture that attracts top talent can lead to 33% higher revenue, among other benefits. Culture is the common set of behaviours and underlying beliefs that […]
The real ROI of incentivising your channel partners

Effective and efficient interaction between your company and your channel partners has many benefits for all involved, notably, improved productivity, increased profitability, high engagement and greater loyalty. A channel incentive program is one way to ensure that this relationship remains healthy and thriving. Channel management is complex and incentivising can be a costly exercise, so […]